Polity Questions

Polity (social)
1. Banjara Needle crafts are the traditonal hand made fabrics made by
(a) Banjaras    
(b) Chenchus   
(c) Nagas   
(d) Mizo 
2.Child sex Ratio (Female per 1000 males) in Telangana state        
(a) 933                    
(b) 934      
(c) 935
(d) 936 
3.Which article of the constitution of India prohibits the states  from granting any titles    
(a) Article 17    
(b) Article 16     
(c) Article 18       
(d) Article 19
4. Harijan was the newspaper established by    
(a) Gandhi        
(b) Nehru      
(c) Tilak            
(d) Indira Gandhi
5.The minimum wages Act was enacted in    
(a) 1947          
(b) 1948                    
(d) 1950
6.Which tribe practiced human sacrifice was a part of their agricultural and war rites  
(a) Khonds
(b) Savara   
(c) Godaba 
(d) koya
7. The infant mortality rate of Kerala is
(a) 12      
(b) 13
(c) 14
(d) 15
8. Dowry Prohibition Act, came into force in  the year
(a) 1961 
(b) 1972
(c) 1982
(d) 1999
9. The right of children  to free and compulsory education act was passed in the year  
(a) 2007
(b) 2008
(c) 2009
(d) 2010   
10. One of the prominent chipko leaders is Gandhian
(a) Sunderlal Bahuguna
(b) Ram Ahuja
(c) Siddarth Malhotra
(d) Akhil yadav
11. According to Mckinsey Global Institute by 2025. How many Indians middle class?
(a) 6.0 million
(b) 9.5 million
(c) 7.6 million
(d) 8.4 million    
12. Sc population in Telangana state
(a) 53.33 lakhs 
(b) 54.33 lakhs      
(c) 55.33 lakhs    
(d)  56.33 lakhs
13. Br. Ambedkar Wrote
(a) Caste system                              
(b)Annihilation of case   
(c) Demerits of Caste                        
(d) Abolition of Cast in India
14 The Nirbhaya Act came into force in
(a) 2012
(b) 2013
(c) 2014
(d) 2015
15. Dedicating girls as Jogini has been  illegal since                          
(a) 1988 
(c) 1990
16. Labour Bureau under the ministry of labour and employment is responsible for.       
(a) The collation and publication of statistics.  
(b) Related information on wages earnings. 
(c) Related information on productivity absent  
(d) All the above
17. Employee’s deposit Linked insurance scheme was enacted in?
(a) 1975                  (b) 1976              (c) 1977             (d)  1978
18. Patidar reservation agitation was held in
(a) Bhopal              (b) Gujarat          (c) Delhi                 (d) Bihar
19.The Women’s vocational training program me was designed and launched in.
(a) 1977                    (b)1976            (c) 1981               (d) 1980
20.  The aim of skill development initiative in the country is to support achieving rapid and inclusive growth through.
(a) Enhancing individuals employ-ability [wage gets employment] and ability to adapt to changing technologies and labour market demands.
(b) Improving productivity and living standards of the people.
(c) Strengthening competitiveness of the country.
(d) All the above.
21. Constitution of India came into effect from?
(a) 26 january 1950
(b) 26 june 1945
(c) 28 january 1905
(d) 24 march 1954
22. The number of languages recognized by the Indian constituted is
(a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 22 (d) 28
23. Which language is known as the "Italian of the East"?
(a) Tamil (b) Hindi (c) Telugu (d) Marati
24. According which Act fist supreme court was set?
(a) Regulating Act of 1773
(b) Pits India Act of 1784
(c) Charter Act of 1793
(d) Charter Act of 1893
25. In which year, Punjab was divided into Punjab and Haryana?
(a) 1966
(b) 1906
(c) 1965
(d) 1916


01. (a) 02. (a) 03. (c) 04. (a) 05. (b) 06. (a) 07. (c) 08. (a) 09. (c) 10. (a)

11. (b) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (d)

21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (a) 25. (a)


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