Polity Questions with Answers

1. In which State was Panchayath Raj first introduced?
(a) Gujarat,  
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Bihar  
(d) Andhra Pradesh
2. The committee, on whose recommendation Panchayath Raj was introduced in India,was headed by 
(a) Ashok Mehta      
(b) Acharya Kripalani
(c) Balwantrai Mehta
(d) Jaya Prakash Narain
3.The Panchayat is a accountable for all its action to the    
(a) Sarpanch
(b) Panchayat Samiti  
(c) District officer
(d) Gram Sabha
4. To  function  successfully, Panchayat Raj needs the full cooperation of the
(a) Central Government
(b) Bureaucracy        
(c) Politicians  
(d) Local people
5. Panchayath Raj is                                                                  
(a) Administrative structure
(b) Physical Structure
(c) Financial Structure
 (d) State Structure
6.The Amendment procedure of the Indian constitution is modeled on that of  
(a) The U.S.A
(b) South Africa
(c) Ireland
(d) Canada
7.The Panchayat Raj Institutions in India get their funds mainly from.  
(a) Voluntary Contributions                      
(b) Property tax
(c) Local taxes                                      
(d) Government grants
8. Who expressed the view that the emergency powers of the Indian president is a fraud on the constitution  
(a) K.M Munshi
(b) K.M Nambiar
(c) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(d) B.N. Rao
9. National emergency has been declared  go  far
(a) Once (b) Twice ( c) Thrice (d) Four times
10. In the Minerva Mills case the Supreme court has further reaffirmed its decision
(a) Golak Nath case              
(b) Keshavanand Bharati case
(c) Sajan singh case                      
(d) Gopalan  case
11. Judicial Review means
(a) The right of the judiciary to advise the president on constitutional matters.
(b) The power of judiciary to pronounce upon the constitutionally of laws passed by the legislature and orders issued by the executive.
(c) A high courts review of a lower courts or an administrative body’s factual or legal findings.
(d) None of the above
12. The advisory opinion tendered by the supreme court
(a) IS binding on the president          
(b) Is not made public at ale
(c) Is binding on the president only if it is unanimously made
(d) Is not binding on the president
13. Which of the following states does not have high court of its own?      
 (a) Sikkim   (b) Bihar   (c) Himachal Pradesh  (d) Manipur
14.The power to extend or restrict the jurisdiction of the high court rests with  
(a) The President
(b) The parliament
(c) The concerned state Legislature  
(d) None of  the above
15.The Legislative council can delay the enactment of a bill passed by the legislative assembly for a maximum period of       
(a) One month   (b) Four months  (c) Six months  (d) One year
16. The Ashoka Mehta Committee recommended the 
(a) Introduction of three tier system of Panchayati Raj
(b) Replacement of the existing three- tier system by a two tier system.
(c) Replacement of the three tier system by a four tier system.
(d) Continuation of the three tier system of Panchayat Raj
17. Which of the following is not a tier of Panchayati Raj
(a) Gram sabha
(b) Gram Panchayat
(c) Panchayat samiti
(d) Zilla parishad
18. The local MPS and MLAs are ex officio members of the
(a) Panchayat Samiti
(b) Zilla Parishad
(c) Gram Panchayat
(d) All these bodies
19. The minority commission as a non-statutory body was set up for the first time in
(a)1978 (b) 1981 (c) 1992 (d) 1994
20. The human Rights commission has been formed by.
(a) The constitution itself        
(b) The Government of India Act. 1935
(c) The presidents ordinance of September 1992
(d) None of the above
21. A  proclamation of emergency must be placed before the parliament for it’s approval
(a) Within one month
(b) Within two months
(c) Within one year
(d) Within six months
 22. Which one of the following categories of emergency has been declared maximum number of times?
(a) National Emergency
(b) Emergency due to break down of constitutional machinery in a state.
(c) Financial Emergency
(d) All of them have been declared simultaneously
23. The 42nd Amendment Act, 1976 added a chapter on
(a)The preamble of the constitution  
(b) The Fundamental duties.
(c) The Fundamental rights
(d) The directive principles of state policy
24. The Governor can reserve
(a) All bills passed by state legislature for the assent of the president
(b) Certain types of bills passed by state legislature for the approval of the president
(c) No bill passed by the state legislature for the approval of the president
(d) Only Financial bills for the approval of the president.
25. Dissolution of the state Legislative Assembly before the expiry of its term can be brought about by
(a) The speaker of he assembly
(b) The chief minister
(c) The Governor
(d) Two thirds majority vote of the members of legislative. Assembly.
 26. The Governor of state exercises his discretionary powers
(a) On the advice of the chief minister
(b) On the advice of the chief secretary of the state.
(c) On the advice of the state council of ministers
(d) On his own
27. The Legislative council of a state
I)  Is not subject to dissolution
II) Can be abolished by the state legislative assembly.
III) Can be abolished by the president on the Governor’s  recommendation.
(a) I only, (b) II only, (c) Both I and II, (d) III only
 28. A proclamation of emergency by the president
(a) Can not apply to Jammu and Kashmir.
(b) Shall have effect in Jammu and Kashmir only on the concurrence  of the state legislature.
 (c) Shall apply to Jammu and Kashmir only on endorsement by its Governor.
 (d) Has to be separately issued for Jammu and Kashmir.
 29. Which one of the following parties was not represented on the constituent assembly of India
(a) Indian National Congress
(b) The Communist Party of India
(c) Hindu Mahasabha
(d) Scheduled castes federation
 30. President’s rule can be imposed in a state for a maximum period of
(a) 6 Months      
(b) 1 year
(c) 3 years
(d) Indefinite period
31. The original scheme of Panchayat Raj, introduced in 1959, operates at
(a) Samiti and block levels
(b) Taluka and district levels
(c) Village and samiti levels
(d) Village block and district levels
32.Which part of the Indian constitution directs the state to establish Panchayat Raj institutions in the country.
(a) The fundamentals rights
(b) The directive principles of state policy
(c) Part IV A
(d) Preamble
33. Panchayat Raj is based on the ideology of
(a) Democratic decentralization
(b) Community co-operation and development
(c) Peoples participation in Government
(d) Cultivation political awareness in the rural masses.
34. In the Minerva Mills case the Supreme court has further reaffirmed its decision
(a) Golak Nath case              
(b) Keshavanand Bharati case
(c) Sajan singh case                      
(d) Gopalan  case
35. The decision of he supreme court in the Golak Nath case was that
(a) Judiciary is independent of the parliament
(b) Fundamental rights could not be amended or abridged
(c) The constitution is supreme
(d) The basic structure of the constitution should not be changed
36. How many states are required to ratify certain amendments of constitution
(a) Not less than half the number
(b) Three- fourths of the number
(c)At least 10 states
(d) All states in some cases
37. An amendment of the constitution can be initiated in I. Lok Sabha, II. Rajya Sabha, III. State Legislature 
(a) I only        
(b) I or II
(c) II only
(d) All of them
38. Which amendment of the constitution gave priority to the directive principles over the fundamental rights
(a) 24th Amendment                                      
(b) 39th Amendment
(c) 42nd Amendment                            
(d) 44th Amendment
39. The residuary power of legislation in the case of Jammu and Kashmir belongs to
(a) Parliament
(b) The State legislature
(c) Governor
(d) Both (a) and (b)
40. The Finance Commission is constituted by the President?
(a) Every Five years
(b) Every Four years
(c) Every Six years
(d) Whenever he deems it necessary


01. (b) 02. (c) 03. (d) 04. (d) 05. (d) 06. (b) 07. (d) 08. (b) 09. (c) 10. (b) 
11. (c) 12. (d)  13. (d) 14 (d) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (c)  
21. (a)  22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (b) 25. (b) 26. (d) 27. (a) 28. (b) 29. (b) 30. (c)
31. (d) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (b) 35. (b) 36. (a) 37. (b) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (a)




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