Indian Polity and Constitution Questions

Indian Constitution

01. The idea of concurrent list is borrowed in the Indian Constitution from the Constitution of ?

02. Name four important subjects in state list?

03. Eleventh schedule of the Constitution of India is related to ________?

04. In India, "Right to Information" is a ____________?

05. "National Voters Day" is celebrated on which date?

06. Which Article prohibits the practice of child labour?

07. Who is known as the "Father of Local Self Government in India"?

08. L.M. Singvi Committee was appointed by ?

09. On what basis, Election to Lok sabha and state legislature shall be conducted by?

10. Rajya Sabha can delay the money bill sent for its consideration by the lok sabha for the maximum period of ___?

11. The president of India can nominate ______ members in Lok Sabha and ________ members in Rajya Sabha?

12. Judicial Review is dealt with under Article?

13. A national emergency remains in operation, with the approval of the parliament, for the maximum period of ____________ months?

14. Who holds the power to increase the number of judges in the supreme court?

15. The Asiatic Society of Bengal was set up in 1784 in Calcutta by whom?

16. Muslim League decided to observe the "Direct Action Day" on __________ ?

17. An Old Man's Hope was a pamphlet published by whom?

18. The Government of India, Act 1935 was based on the report of ___________?

19. Member of the UPSC can be removed removed from the office before the expiry of their term by ?

20. What is the other name of India given in the constitution and in what Art..?

21. Which is the competent constitutional body to prescribe conditions for acquisition of citizenship India?

22. Which Act is known as the Prime Charter of Indian Legislature?

23. Which amendment declares Delhi as the National Capital of Territory of India?

24. Who was the first CAG of India?

25. Which Article gave special status to Delhi?

26. The prime minister who is known as the "Father of Indian Economic Reforms"?

27. Who was the chairman of Union Constitution Committee?

28. In India, the Vice-President is elected by an electoral college consisting of ___?

29. Primary function of the Finance Commission of India is _______?

30. Which Article of the Indian Constitution abolished untouchability?

31. Who was the first woman president of Indian National Congress?


01. Australia
02. (a) Land Revenue (b) Law and Order (c) Local Government 
(d) Education upto the secondary level
03. Panchayati Raj
04. Legal right
05. January 25th
06. Article 24
07. Lord Rippon
08. Rajiv Gandhi
09. Adult suffrage
10. 14 days
11. 2, 12
12. Judicial Review Aticle incorporated in Article 226, 227 of the constitution and integrated to Supreme Court Article 32, 136 of the constitution.
13. Six months
14. Parliament
15. Sir William Jones
16. August 16, 1946
17. A.O. Hume
18. Simon Commission
19. The president on the recommendation of the Supreme court
20. Bharat and Art..1 of the Constitution
21. Parliament
22.  Council Act of 1861
23. 69th 
24. V. Narahari Rao
25. Article 239 AA
26. P.V. Narasimha Rao
27. Jawaharlal Nehru
28. Members of both the Houses of Parliament
29. To distribute revenue between the Centre and the States.
30. Article 17
31. Annie Besant

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