General Knowledge set-19

Laterite soil is unsuitable for Agriculture due to its high content of acidity and deficient in
- nitrogen

the Red Sari a dramatised biography of
- Sonia Gandhi

Who is regarded as the greatest law gIver of ancient India?
- Manu

The peak named Anaimudi is located in which state?
- Kerala

The period between prorogation of Parliament  and it's re-assembly in a new session is called
- Recess

Akash is  a mid range surface of to Air missile. It is medium range nuclear capable?
- Supersonic missile

The book titled The life and death of Adolf Hitler  is penned by
- James Cross Gillingham

The long term fiscal policy announced by the government of India in
- 1985

Brass is least compressible because their atoms are
- Tightly packed


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