Planning in India; Economy

'Planning Commission' was set up under the chairmanship of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (Gulzarilal Nanda was the first Deputy Chairman)

NITI Aayog: NITI Aayog(National Institution for Transforming India) replaced planning commission and it is came into existence in the year of 2015 (January 1st). Its aim is to involve states in economic policy making. Further, gives strategic and technical advice to the Central and the State Governments.

Inclusive development
Human Development Index (HDI)
HDI measure was given by Pakistani Nobel prize winner, Mehbub-ul-Hampshire.
Published by UNDERSTANDING since 1990.
Three dimensions
Life expectancy at birth rate.
Education Index comprising means year of schooling and expected year of schooling.
GNI per capita Index.

World Economic outlook report was released by International Monetary Fund.
The prime minister heads the Aayog as its Chairman.
Amartya Sen, one who related 'poverty' with the concept of 'entitlement'.
If interest payments are subtracted from gross fiscal deficit, the remainder will be "Gross Primary Deficit".
In which year did the government of India nationalised 14 major private banks-1969
Rangarajan Committee was constituted for Disinvestment


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