General Awareness - 1

Gas used for artificial ripening of fruits is - Acetylene
the type of tail found in Shark is - Heterosexual
When was the Indian Constitution adopted - 26th November, 1949
Books - written by Chetan Bhagat?
1. A Himalayan Love Story
2. Revolution 2020
3. My Life
4. A Bend in the River
Ans: (2)
Who is the author of the book Planned Economy for India - M. Visveswaraya
Soda ash is the name for- Anhydrous sodium carbonate
The term 'Eureka!' Was attributed to - Archimedes
What is the currency of Iran - Rial
The longest river of Europe - volga
Who is the Grand Old Man in India - Dadabhai Naoroji
The speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected by - all the members of the parliament
Sector of Indian Economy which is  the second largest provider of employment after agriculture - service sector
Poverty line on the basis of nutritional standard was defined during - 6th five year plan
Lens which is used to correct myopia - Concave
What is the term that differentiate the nation's import of goods and it's experts - Balance of trade
Activity of an enzyme can be modulated by change of - pH
Paper currenc in India was first introduced in - 1886 AD
Sulphuric acid is - dibasic
Which dimensions are incorporated in the school mapping - Norms Spatial and Demographic
It refers to that portion of banker's total cash reserves, which they are statutorily required to hold with RBI - Cash Reserve Ratio(CRR)
The equator does not pass through - Mexico
Which five year plan  is based on Godgil Yojana Strategy - Third Five Year Plan (1961-66)
When did government of India launch the National Cancer Control programme - 1975
Most popular festival in Tamil Nadu- Pongal
Which sector of Indian Economy is related to business, transport, communication and services - Tertiary sector
What is the full form of 'ILO', an agency of the United Nations


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