General Awareness- 3

Indian Institute of Science is located at 
- Bengaluru

AC Shah committee is related to
 -"Non Banking Financial Company"

Ministers as a Council of ministers are responsible to 
- Lok Sabha

- Seal of assured quality for items of use such as eggs, ghee etc.

Who brought Ashoka pillar to Delhi
 - Firoz Shah Tughlaq

Godgil committe 
- Financial Inclusion

Which lake is the oldest in the world and it is the deepest fresh water lake 
- Baikal Lake

Epicentre is related to 
- Earthquake

What does SMS stand for 
- Short Message Service

The study of coins is called 
- Numismatics

India is the second largest producer of 

 The study of inscriptions or epigraph as writings is called 
- Epigraphy

The first finance commission was headed by KC Neogi
Light years is 
- distance covered by light in one year

The first bank, established in india 
- Bank of Hindustan

The first recipient of Bharat Ratan was 
- CV Raman

The largest sweet water lake in the world is 
- Lake Superior

Who is the designer of the Indian rupee sign
 - Udaya Kumar

If there was no atmosphere the sky would appear 
- black

The metal used in storage battery is 
- zinc

In which year world's first SMS sent 
- 1992


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